28 Moons is the official boutique for the book, 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks (4s4w). We sell lunar-rhythmic gifts for your lunar-rhythmic body, as well as other cool things we like (and think you will too).
I'm Suzanne, aka, Suz (Sooz), the author of the book and the proprietress of this shop. I have people who help me: phenomenal guys who I can count on at the drop of a text, and several beautiful priestesses (inside and out) who organize various parts of the store and also do some social media. I don't call them priestesses lightly. These are women who stepped into the divine work of the feminine balance a while back and were drawn to this work of aligning with the full empowerment of their sacred womb temple wisdom.
I'm aware of how woo-woo that sounds, but I am totally clear that there is absolutely nothing more real than the impact your cycle has on you and the impact you have on the planet. When these two come together in harmony, there is nothing that can shift and transform the societal viewpoint into goodness and wellbeing more powerfully or rapidly.
Keep in mind, that we females are the human source of creation. It doesn't get bigger than that, so throw on your headdresses and step into your greatness. I truly do not think we will ever have political or cultural power over our wombs until we fall in love with our womb's power.
The Store:
We're continually growing 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks in order to reach and assist more females in finding balance and comfort each day by tapping into their cycle knowledge within, as well as help couples to co-create the relationships they desire.
The work of 4s4w is to teach you how to go through a resting, building, expressing, and deconstructing phase over and over again until you really embody it. Once you do, you'll begin to understand how to continue to build and rebuild or improve upon aspects of your life with ease and skill.
Because life is a journey.
The original book was published at the end of 2012, but the work seems to be just now coming into its own. Much is gearing up here at 4s4w and 28 Moons! Be on the lookout for more and more products and books to support your journey as you navigate your world.
Love and thank,
PS: No, this rad gal in the pic is not me, but I think she's amazing, and I love her hat.
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Book: 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks
Author: Suzanne Mathis McQueen
Publisher: Tobacco Road Press
Address: PO Box 3434, Ashland, Oregon 97520
Website: http://4s4w.com
Contact: 4s4wContact@gmail.com