Freelance Friday

November 26, 2017

Freelance Friday

Freelance Friday


It’s hard to make friends or network when the group you’re in doesn’t allow promoting on the group page.

I don’t allow it on other days because I want to stick to the reason we are all here: to learn, feel supported, and stay motivated in our female rite-of-passage: cycle-tracking using the 4s4w approach to the hormones.When promoting happens, the focus can get lost and it sometimes becomes a page of spamming. 

 Having a way to do something so personal with a tribe of like-minded sisters is validating and important. 

 So, I created Freelance Friday to have the freedom to talk about:

  • Your kids
  • Your business
  • Your personal talents
  • Your new workshop
  • A tip
  • A recipe
  • Whatever you want.

 Like all posts, please keep your comments to 55-words or less. Thx. :) 

Also in 4s4w Cycle-Tracking Sisterhood Blog

Treasure Chest Tuesday
Treasure Chest Tuesday

December 11, 2017

For instance, during your Firewalk, you may want meditations that help you focus, or music that is grounded or tribal, foods that lift, or sad movies that make you cry. 

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Charting Your Cycle
Charting Your Cycle

December 11, 2017

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Mother Nature Thursday
Mother Nature Thursday

December 06, 2017

Open your mind and let nature float in as you walk down a sidewalk or dirt path. Think about the rhythms going on around you. What one thing speaks to you in some way? 

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