Treasure Chest Tuesday

December 11, 2017

Treasure Chest Tuesday

It's easy to enjoy today and prepare for tomorrow as you move along your lunar rhythmic journey when you have tools available ahead of time. Visualize your tools living inside of a gorgeous treasure chest.

Begin to make an ongoing list for each phase of the items or rituals you can rely on to bring you balance and comfort for various situations. Will you need energizing or relaxing go-to's? A mixture of both is good so that you can decide what kind of balancing you'll need at the time.

For instance, during your Firewalk, you may want meditations that help you focus, or music that is grounded or tribal, foods that lift, or sad movies that make you cry. Sometimes it's good to go with a tool that will help lift you out, or tools that help you dive deeper into unknown issues until they present themselves like gold to be dusted off and honored for the brilliant insights they bring. 

As you make your list, think about things such as aromas (perhaps herbs or essential oils),  journaling, a particular type of book, fitness practices, music (specific songs), movies, altar items, clothes, writing poems, doing art, etc. 

During your RESTING phase (Week 1, Fall), what comforts will you have ready & waiting for your bleeding time?

What about your BUILDING phase (Week 2, Winter)?

EXPRESSING phase, Week 3, Spring?

And DECONSTRUCTING phase, Week 4, Summer?

As you get to know your monthly moon walk, add more to your list. The more tools you have prepared in your treasure chest, the easier and more beautiful your monthly experience will be. 

- Suz xoxo


Also in 4s4w Cycle-Tracking Sisterhood Blog

Charting Your Cycle
Charting Your Cycle

December 11, 2017

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Mother Nature Thursday
Mother Nature Thursday

December 06, 2017

Open your mind and let nature float in as you walk down a sidewalk or dirt path. Think about the rhythms going on around you. What one thing speaks to you in some way? 

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Freelance Friday
Freelance Friday

November 26, 2017

It’s hard to make friends or network when the group you’re in doesn’t allow promoting on the group page.

I don’t allow it on other days because I want to stick to the reason we are all here: to learn, feel supported, and stay motivated in our female rite-of-passage: cycle-tracking using the 4s4w approach to the hormones.When promoting happens, the focus can get lost and it sometimes becomes a page of spamming. 

 Having a way to do something so personal with a tribe of like-minded sisters is validating and important. 

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