It’s Bigger Than Hormones

September 08, 2017

It’s Bigger Than Hormones


Your monthly rhythmic---your lunar-rhythmic female body and essence is about far more than your hormones.

 Yes, your reproductive hormones create that rhythm in order to serve you should you decide to reproduce. They have to build a “nest” every month in the form of thickening your uterine lining in order to prepare for a pregnancy should one occur. But Sister/Daughter, those hormones also set up an enormous infrastructure for your wisdom and ability to lead in a healthy and well-rounded manner.

 Each month your body goes through a series of changes in the same way the moon changes a little bit every day---every moment. This is not minor and it is no mistake! When we view our changing experiences as problems to be tolerated, we miss out on our most crucial asset to being a female.

 All humans are rhythmic-thinkers and our decisions vary depending on our personal comfort level, no matter how subtle. We always make our best decisions when we feel good and balanced. We women have the advantage of also being monthly rhythmic. Our daily changes take us through a series of looking at situations from different angles. It’s as if you are looking at a sculpture in the middle of a room and each day, taking another step around it in order to see another part to it or another side of it.

Because we are the human source of creation and rock every person within our wombs, we are the original teachers for our species. It is important that we are well trained to oversee the health and wellbeing of each individual. Our lunar-rhythmic bodies create an opportunity to fully tap into our womb wisdom each month, repeating the opportunity each and every month. Repetition helps us to hone each lesson.

Each month we go through a series of lessons that teach us how to take care of ourselves, take action, figure out who we really are and what our gifts for the planet are, how to problem-solve by facing our deepest fears and figuring out how to survive, and then back to self-care as a reward for all of our hard work. We are the Wisdom-Keepers, and when we embody these teachings and focus on the intelligent, wise, and purposeful rhythm or our femaleness, (rather than the perceived drag of our hormones), we exude our royalty and rightful place on the planet. By stepping into these rhythmic bodies and claiming them as powerful positions, we claim respect for all women on the planet.

- Suz

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Also in Lunar Rhythmic: Your Female Body Clock

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