To Cycle or Not Cycle with the Moon.

To Cycle or Not Cycle with the Moon.

January 11, 2019 2 Comments

The standard, average, healthy female cycle appears to mimic the actual orbit of the moon, which is 28 days. But the way we experience the light of the moon is...

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Your Inner-Knowing Beckons and Awaits You

Your Inner-Knowing Beckons and Awaits You

October 16, 2018

By tracking your natural rhythm for reasons beyond fertility you’ll begin to undo and drop the negativity that society has programmed you to believe about your female body and ways while allowing your core feminine intelligence and ruling wisdom to surface.

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Don't Worry About Making Waves

Don't Worry About Making Waves

October 05, 2018

Don’t worry about making waves simply by being yourself. The Moon does it all the time. ~Scott Stanile~

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Aligning With Your Cycle Rhythm: How it Works

Aligning With Your Cycle Rhythm: How it Works

July 23, 2018

In the same way that all humans follow a 24-hour Circadian Rhythm (meaning, about a day), we women follow an approximate 28-day body clock, which I've coined a "Circamene" Rhythm...

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The Problem You’re Seeking Solutions For is Not the Problem

The Problem You’re Seeking Solutions For is Not the Problem

July 23, 2018

So, here’s the real problem: The problem that you’re seeking solutions for is not the problem. Because of this, your searching is hitting dead ends or taking you down the wrong path...

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How the Day After a Big Event Relates to Ovulation

How the Day After a Big Event Relates to Ovulation

July 05, 2018

But here's a subtlety that I what I want to point out: Just like the day after a big event (in this case, the parade and our entry), the day after Ovulation creates a huge slide in energy until it reaches a dip. Your...

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Political & Religious Busy Bodies Will Never Own the Sacred Womb

Political & Religious Busy Bodies Will Never Own the Sacred Womb

April 16, 2018

As a humanitarian, but I believe especially as a mother, I hold deep compassion for others when they are suffering. Most of us moms can’t go through, pregnancy or adopting, childbirth, nursing, and our children’s lives being threatened by...

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The Female Has Arrived

The Female Has Arrived

November 23, 2017

The concept is snowballing and I'm excited about it's future.

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6 Steps for Taking Care of Yourself During Your Moon Time

6 Steps for Taking Care of Yourself During Your Moon Time

November 22, 2017


  1. Prepare as you lead up to it
    1. Eat cleanly. Less sugar and grains, more digestible protein and nurturing broths
    2. Clear your calendar where possible
    3. Start going to bed earlier

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