October 12, 2019
The ocean doesn’t mess around. If I were to survive, I would first need to shed anything that was weighing me down or keeping me from succeeding. While it was...
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September 24, 2019
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Many "womb wisdom" teachers compare the female cycle month to the 4 seasons. I seem to be the only one who compares the bleeding, or resting time, to Autumn.
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December 21, 2018
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Holding Christmas at this time of year for us in the Northern Hemisphere is hard on our natural rhythms, and therefore our health and wellbeing...
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October 05, 2018
Don’t worry about making waves simply by being yourself. The Moon does it all the time. ~Scott Stanile~
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July 23, 2018
In the same way that all humans follow a 24-hour Circadian Rhythm (meaning, about a day), we women follow an approximate 28-day body clock, which I've coined a "Circamene" Rhythm...
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April 16, 2018
As a humanitarian, but I believe especially as a mother, I hold deep compassion for others when they are suffering. Most of us moms can’t go through, pregnancy or adopting, childbirth, nursing, and our children’s lives being threatened by...
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March 08, 2018
Women: It begins with me honoring myself and you honoring your self. Guys: It begins with honoring a woman who has honored you in a way that has caused you to honor yourself.
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