...the anti-choice movement is ultimately after our eggs, meaning, our fertilized eggs. I believe that their wet dream would be to take charge of the whole operation...
When attempts are made to quiet the Feminine, it is an attack on all we think of as Feminine, such as the environment, teaching children, and home & hearth issues such as homelessness, hunger, and...
In the same way that all humans follow a 24-hour Circadian Rhythm (meaning, about a day), we women follow an approximate 28-day body clock, which I've coined a "Circamene" Rhythm...
So, here’s the real problem: The problem that you’re seeking solutions for is not the problem. Because of this, your searching is hitting dead ends or taking you down the wrong path...
This is a radio interview that I did along with others who belong to a new taskforce in my town. It's only 22 minutes long and I think worth the listen. Everything we talk about applies to your town too. - Suz