Why I Compare the Resting Phase to Fall

September 24, 2019 1 Comment

Why I Compare the Resting Phase to Fall

Many "womb wisdom" teachers compare the female cycle month or moon time to the four seasons. The book, 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks, came out at the end of 2012, and I continue to find that I seem to be the only one who compares the bleeding, or resting time, to Autumn. 

This video from a training series earlier this year, briefly explains why. 

 For a fuller understanding, please stay tuned for the next offering of the Masterclass. 

Slow down, rest more, and sleep more this season.

In good nature and spirit,




1 Response


October 09, 2019

Aloha Suz!
I love what you said!
Here is another perspective of symbolism/Sprit that illuminates the 4S4W for me:
There is a beautiful Spanish idiomatic phrase for childbirth: “dar a luz” in English: “to bring to light”.
If we imagine a Pregnancy cycle superimposed upon the year - Fall as menstruation, Winter as building- then the Spring Equinox is Ovulation - IF Conception occurs then there’s a shift into lunar time and- 9 months later—Birth at the Winter Solstice — “Dar a Luz”
Diane the Midwife

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Also in Lunar Rhythmic: Your Female Body Clock

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