On Paula Modersohn-Becker

February 08, 2018

On Paula Modersohn-Becker

Perhaps the best and most succinct expose on what I call, "the secret life of women" is posted as a link at the bottom of this page. Google is celebrating the life of Paula Modersohn-Becker, an artist I did not know about. I do now. 
I'm sure she and Frida would have been friends had their time periods been in alignment. Frida was born the year Paula died. Perhaps one soul jumped into the next, only to repeat a similar journey.
Can we not get ahead? Why must women continue to have such hardships behind the scenes? When I voiced this many years back, my cousin said, "Well, Eve at the apple, so we just have to accept that this is the way it is for us."
Appalled, I said "No. No it's not. but there lies the problem."
However, I do feel there is something bigger going on. Are we women in a bigger, vaster Firewalk ceremony? Some sort of galactic initiation of the spirit? 
I chose this painting as perhaps my favorite, as I remember this posture so well myself. This is "Woman with Child" 1906.
While I don't have any nudes like this one, here's my favorite pic with 2 of my 3 children.
Author Suzanne Mathis McQueen's favorite mom and kids picture, circa 1985, Big Sur, CA
Here's the really great read on Paula:

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